Hi everyone! Let's dive straight into this one.
During our product research we have come across some truly remarkable data & information that we want to find an approachable, consumable way to share with you all. We'll do this piece by piece over the coming weeks, months and beyond - but today we wanted to share a little data about the use of plastic, the global effect it is having and why we feel so passionate about being uncompromising in our zero plastic, zero waste approach.
As I'm sure you know by now if you're reading this little blog post - Eco Garden is completely plastic free. We have spent our time devoted to finding sustainable manufacturers who share our ideology. We are collaborating with these manufacturers to help us create our vision of a plastic free domestic environment, without compromising on convenience. We are dedicated in our goals and extensive with our research to ensure our products are truly sustainable and make the transition away from plastic worth 'the trouble' for population. Not everybody is as concerned about plastic pollution as you and I - though they should be. And we recognise sometimes the information has to be communicated in such a way & our products have to be received in a manner that everybody can identify with the small alterations we provide for the enormous change we are promoting. At this risk of babbling too much, let me just say - Together, we can accomplish anything and as always I want to thank you for coming on this sustainable journey with us. Together we make a difference.
Today's post is just a drop in the ocean into the big question - WHY is it so important to reduce our plastic consumption?
The following is a recent social media post we made whilst setting up our social accounts. It has some interesting data that you can share with your friends.
"Here at Eco Garden, we pledge to never use plastic in the creation, manufacture or shipping of our products. We believe in removing as much plastic as possible from our homes & we want to make it easier than ever for our incredible customers to shop plastic & guilt free

Did you know that 97% of the Earthβs water is held by the ocean? We rely on it to regulate our global climate, to absorb CO2 & it is the number one source of protein for over a billion people. However, as a global population we dump around 12.7 million tonnes of plastic into our oceans every single year. 12.7 MILLION TONNES. Just let that sink in for a moment

This negligence damages marine eco systems & threatens the health of sea creatures around the world. The damage is rapidly becoming irreparable & our actions over the next few years truly determine the state of our oceans & our very existence for the next 10,000 years to come & beyond

Hereβs some quick ocean plastic statistics to help you comprehend the damage we are doing by consuming plastics around the world.

The statistics can go on & on but...This cannot be allowed to continue. We are moved by the worldβs increasing awareness & positioning against single use plastic. But it still isnβt enough.
Without rambling at you all day, just know that here at Eco Garden we are conscious of the facts & we want to make a difference. More importantly - we want to help YOU make a difference.
That is why as a company we are 100% plastic free from our manufacture, to materials used in our products being natural & sustainable to the packaging used to bring our unique eco-friendly products straight to your door. Small changes for a big effect. Convenience without compromise. Going Green Starts At Home.
Thank you for taking the time to read our rant today. We know these posts can be tiresome but it is so important to acknowledge the damage being done to our planet - & equally important to know we can do something about it.
Keep your eyes on our page for further posts like this as well as staying up to date with the launch of our first eco collection of bespoke homeware & well-being environmentally friendly products.
Until then, try making a difference today by refusing an item of plastic. Together, we will save our beautiful home

Thanks for taking the time to read all of that. We know sometimes it can be a bit of a chore - particularly if you've read it all before. But the point is getting the information out to the uninitiated, to those that require a gentle nudge in the right direction. Finding the right language, the right tone to encourage people into a positive change is difficult. As the last thing we want to do is sound peachy and demanding. But as we always say, together we can make a difference and the more people we reach & the more people that make the positive change alongside you and I - the healthier the world becomes. One small step at a time has a huge global effect.
We'll call it a day there for now. I just wanted to share some of the shocking data we have documented during our product research and extend on the reasons why as a company we pledge to always be completely plastic free - for the planet.
Take care guys, as always - thank you so much for your support.
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